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Exclusive access, on & off-road test driving

INEOS Grenadier x GunsOnPegs invite only event.

Saturday 9th December, Surrey, UK

Your Hosts


Exclusive INEOS Grenadier x GunsOnPegs Test Drive - Priory Farm 

We've teamed up with our friends at INEOS Grenadier to offer GunsOnPegs members the opportunity to really put this workhorse 4x4 through its paces both on and off road. Find out for yourself if the Grenadier can handle the steep descents and ascents, lumps, bumps, tight turns, mud and water that come with working and playing in the countryside. On the day there'll be a professional driver on hand to guide you and answer any questions you may have. Numbers are limited on this event, make sure to book early to avoid disappointment.

About the experience

The Location


Priory Farm Estate, Surrey, England



Date and Time:

Saturday 9th December, 2023

Test drive window from 9am - 4pm


I want to join the the test drive experience, sign me up!

Choose a preferred test drive slot

Thank you for submitting. We will be in touch shortly to confirm a specific time slot for your visit.

Can't make it on 9th December?

If you already have plans but still want to get behind the wheel of a Grenadier, INEOS are running a number of other test drive experiences across the UK 

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